PLN Bring in Power Ship to Medan


    Again, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) brought in Turkish Power Ship which will operate in North Sumatra. The 240MW power ship scheduled to depart from Turkey on Sunday, April 24, 2017. It is expected arrive in Mid-May.

    “By operating the power ship in North Sumatra, the electricity reserves would remain sufficient,” said the Business Director for Sumatra Region of PLN, Amir Rosidin within his press conference, Thursday (4/27).

    Currently, power capacity in North Sumatra (Sumbagut) of 2,100 MW, while the highest peak power of 2,075 MW. The additional power from the ship of 240 MW keeps Sumbagut system of 265 MW electricity reserves. (Ags)


    Source: Kompas


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