China to Share Economic Development with Countries Along Maritime Silk Road: Expert

China’s initiative of building the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” will significantly promote mutually beneficial cooperation between countries along the ancient sea route and share among them a vast market provided by China’s economic expansion, a Sri Lankan expert said.

Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, executive director of the Lakshman Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies, told Xinhua on Wednesday that the new maritime Silk Road, a revival of sea trade route of the economic and cultural exchanges between ancient China and the rest of the world, will boost the connectivity and economic integration in South Asia, including Sri Lanka.

With upgrading and improving transport networks in the sea, envisaged by the maritime Silk Road, goods and service trade as well as personnel flows between those countries will increase greatly, he said.

“Especially for Sri Lanka, which is in the post-war reconstruction, it needs to develop rapidly by being incorporated in a regional economic system,” said the expert of the Sri Lankan government think tank.

The maritime Silk Road initiative, proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 together with the “Silk Road Economic Belt,” will offer a platform for the fight against terrorism.

“It’s expected to contribute to the regional peace, stability and security,” Asanga said.

He also pointed out that the maritime Silk Road, as an open platform for cooperation, will help other countries better communicate with and understand China.

“It will surely help enhance the connections in South Asia and ensure the fair and orderly competition in the new era,” said Asanga. (Lbk)




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