PLN Ensures Coal Supply for Steam Power Plant Tanjung Jati B


    PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Persero along with PT Indominco Mandiri dan PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) have inked the agreement of five years’ coal provision for Steam Power Plant (PLTU) Tanjung Jati B (TJB) of 4.8 million metric tonnes coal per year.

    The PLN’s Director of Central Java Regional Business PLN Nasri Sebayang said the coal provision would strengthen Power System for Java and Bali.

    “It was a long negotiation process, but it finally settled. For the fisrt stage, coal supply would start on June 2017,” said Nasri in his official statement received by Rakyat Merdeka.

    He explained that the contract signed with PT lndominco Mandiri dedicated to coal provision for Lot-II at unit 1 and 2 of 500 thousand metric tonnes per year.

    Meanwhile, with PT KPC, the provision would be for the Lot-1H unit I and 2 of 1.5 million metric tonnes, Lot-E unit 3 and 4 of 2.3 million MT, and Lot-G unit 3 and 4 of 500 thousand MT, per year respectively.

    Lot-F unit 3 and 4 of 0.5 million MT per year is still on a Contract Discussion Agreement (CDA) process with PT Jembayan Muarabara.

    The coal specification contains 5.550-5.700 KKal/Kg with 17 to 20 percent of humidity, 0.6 to 0.88 percent of sulphur, and 5.5 to 6 percent of ash content which refers to the EMS’s Ministerial Regulation Number 7 of 2017 on Procedure of Determining the Standard Price of Mineral, Metals and Coals.

    Nasri said PLTU TJB is a major power plant for electricity in Java and Bali and its unit 1 and 2 have been operating since 2006, while unit 3 and 4 in 2012.

    He also instructed to prevent the operation termination due to the lack of coal supply, for PLN’s electricity infrastructures with 35,000 MW program must keep on going.

    “In the future, 1,000 MW Power Plant of TJB Unit 5 and 6 would be built, and it needs seven million MT of coal per year. It shows that PLN is necessary to coal that meets the Steam Power Plant’s right quality,” Nasri emphasised. (Ags)


    Source : Rakyat Merdeka


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