Mandiri Bank Finances Ports and Harbours Sector of IDR6.14 T


    PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk has expanded its national ports and harbours industry to increase the connectivity inter-region and to drive the economy throughout Indonesia. Bank Mandiri financed the sector of IDR6.14 trillion in March 2017. The fund would be used to expand the ports whose PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) I, II, III and IV operated, both in the direct ways or syndication. The Secretary of Bank Mandiri, Rohan Hafas on Wednesday, 10 May explained that the projects to be financed include the development of Port of Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra, with IDR2.2 trillion, and Makassar New Port, South Sulawesi of IDR1.96 trillion. “Port is one of the main infrastructures encourage the national economy growth,” he said. (Ags/Pas)


    Source : Kompas


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