PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II or Indonesia Port Corporation (IPC) has claimed that land acquisition of Cibitung-Cilincing toll already complies with construction requirements. In the near future, the red plate company will carry out the construction.

    Technical and Risk Management Director of PT Pelindo Dani Rusli Utama said the toll construction was intended to support the operation of Port of Kalibaru, Tanjung Priok.

    “We will construct the toll soon because 50% of the requirement for the land acquisition completed,” said Dani in Jakarta.

    He continued, the project would be carried out by IPC subsidiary; PT Akses Pelabuhan Indonesia. The company believed they can escalate the progress and will reach at least 75% of land acquisition this year.

    The purpose of Cibitung-Cilincing toll road development was to anticipate the increasing of goods traffic in thePort of Tanjung Priok, he explained.

    “Besides, we set up the new project for Pelindo II namely New Priok Port which can accommodate 20 million TEUs to suitably support its port activities,” Dani emphasised.

    President Director of Pelindo II Elvyn G Masassya said that Pelindo II would improve its cargo terminal capacity and will continue the construction of Kalibaru/New Priok container terminal I and container terminal III this year.

    “In January and May 2016, we implemented the trial operation for container terminal I and started to commercially operate it,” Elvyn said.

    According to her, terminal I and III are for the liquid products such as gas and oil.

    The company will also build an Inland Waterways or channel from Tanjung Priok to Bekasi. It intended to fasten the goods distribution from the port to the manufacturer.

    “Therefore, the logistic cost declined, and the competitiveness rose. Plus, we are targeting our revenue to IDR10.5 trillion than the earlier which only IDR9 trillion,” Elvyn said. (Dds/Pas)


    Source: Rakyat Merdeka


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